Can I Wear Contact Lenses If I Have Astigmatism?

Can I Wear Contact Lenses If I Have Astigmatism?

Can I Wear Contact Lenses If I Have Astigmatism?

Can I Wear Contact Lenses If I Have Astigmatism?

Getting diagnosed with astigmatism in one or both eyes should not worry you. Having astigmatism means that the cornea of your eye has a distorted shape. This irregularity causes blurry vision at all distances. Minor astigmatism will not impact your vision, but severe astigmatism will and requires correction.

Astigmatism may make eyewear prescription difficult, but it will not stop you from receiving corrective lenses. Optometrists can assist you in finding the correct lenses for your condition. They may also prescribe custom-fit contacts specific to astigmatism.


What Is Astigmatism?

The cornea is a transparent arch that covers the outer part of your eye. Usually, the cornea is perfectly round, and it curves symmetrically. This allows it to focus light into the eye, making sharp and clear vision possible.

When you have an irregularly curved cornea, it causes refraction of light, resulting in blurry vision. The misshaping of the cornea is known as corneal astigmatism. You can also get astigmatism in your eye’s lens, called lenticular astigmatism. It refers to the misshaping of the eye’s lens.

All types of astigmatism cause a blurry vision of close and distant objects. Moderate or significant astigmatism might also cause squinting, eyestrain, poor vision at night, and chronic headaches. You are usually born with astigmatism since it is hereditary or acquired. You may develop astigmatism from an injury, surgery, or eye disease.


How Do You Correct Astigmatism?

You can get treatment for almost all forms of astigmatism. You can get eyeglasses with a cylindrical lens which will offset the astigmatism. You will often only require a single vision lens when you choose glasses. The single vision lens will provide sharp sight at all distances. If you are over 40 years old, you will most likely require progressive vision or bifocal lenses.


Types of Contact lenses for astigmatism


Soft Contact Lenses


Soft lenses can correct mild to moderate astigmatism, offering comfort because of their flexibility and softness. They are relatively easy to use, and they will not fall out when you are engaged in some activities.

However, soft lenses may be difficult to fit for high degrees of astigmatism because they fail to provide the sharp vision available for other types. They can quickly become misaligned, which will need adjustments.


RGP Contact Lenses

RGP lenses are best known because they are breathable and provide oxygen flow in the eye. Usually, they feel very uncomfortable the first time you put them on. Unlike soft lenses, they do not change their shape according to your eye. You will get used to it once you wear them a few times.

Because they retain their shape, they can give sharp vision. They stay in your eye longer than other types, but extraneous activity can dislodge them. They also tend to collect debris under the lens, causing irritation.


Hybrid Contact Lenses

Hybrid contact lenses have soft outer rings surrounding a rigid gas permeable center. The soft outer rings consist of silicone hydrogel material. They offer the comfort of soft lenses and the clear vision of RGP lenses. Because they are large and have thin edges, they are less likely to dislodge.

For more on wearing contact lenses if you have astigmatism, visit Clarity Eye Care at our office in McKinney, Texas. You can also call (972) 954-9595 to book an appointment today.

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